Soil Conditioners



Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur


When calcium is provided to the side seedlings and side branches will develop. It makes cells shield stronger and robust. It helps carbohydrates to spread all parts of the plant. It plays a key role in preventing the cracks in pods and fruits. Magnesium is a component of chlorophyll. It helps to transmit carbohydrates. Sulphur helps to develop proteins. Sulphur helps in the growth of more young roots and female flowers. The presence of sulphur in plants makes them to tolerate powdery mildew. Take this secondary nutrients from the 50% quantity of first nutrients (NPK) and provide through soil and use in the first (growing) and in the second stages of the crops which has short duration. Also use in the second and third (mature stage) stage of the crops which has long duration brings good results.


50 to 100 kilos per one acre.